
Possible uses of the 6Hz band in Colombia – 2022

The ICT Ministry of Colombia and the National Spectrum Agency, within the objectives of ICT public policy, established by the Colombian Government, launch new public consultation on the possible uses of the 6 GHz band.

Comments on the possible uses of the 6Hz band will be received by the Ministry of ICT until July 31, 2022 in the email: proyectos.normativos.dicom@mintic.gov.co

More information in: https://www.mintic.gov.co/portal/inicio/Sala-de-prensa/Noticias/237941:MinTIC-y-la-ANE-lanzan-nueva-consulta-publica-sobre-los-posibles-usos-de-la-banda-de-6-GHz

Advice and consultations in: www.jurisqualitas.com

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