Legal advice and support for foreign investors in Colombia

Legal advise and support for foreign investors in Colombia

1. ¿Who are we?

We are a specialized law firm, which advises, represents and accompanies foreign investors in Colombia, in the protection of investment and the achievement of their corporate goals with excellence and integrity.

We offer legal services for sectors such as: information and communication technologies, infrastructure, electric power, logistics; BPO, health services, financial services, software and IT services, shipyards, agrochemicals, cosmetics, hospital staff, and tourism among others.

2. ¿How does our work develop?

In Jurisqualitas S.A.S we interpret the law in an ethical, responsible and innovative way, with a rigorous analysis work; always offering a quality service, with the highest standards of integrity and professionalism, generating with our work added value to our clients.

In Jurisqualitas S.A.S we are directly focused on the preventive and timely solution of the problems, and our solutions are legal, practical and feasible.

3. Our services

3.1. Legal advice specialized in decision making.

3.3. Normative and jurisprudential interpretation applied for the solution of legal problems.

3.4. In state contracting: accompaniment at all stages of the contractual process.

3.5. Advice, accompaniment and guidance in audits, collection and consolidation of information, response to preliminary reports, legal response to observations and findings.

3.6. Preparation of legal and technical documents.

3.7. Representation and judicial defense, in processes carried out by the judicial and administrative authorities in Colombia.

3.8. Accompaniment and representation in alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. (National and international arbitration, conciliation, settlement and mediation).

More information at:

Foreign Investment in Colombia:

We are attentive to expand the information and personally coordinate forms, strategies, costs and working methods.

Kind regards;

Ricardo Arias Beltrán

Senior Partner

JurisQualitas S.A.S.

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